You Have a Voice: Telling Your Truth

women have a voice

More than ever, it’s critical that conscious leaders around the globe have a voice. And it’s critical that they use that voice as part of an effective communication strategy if they want to make a difference and create a win/win world. Your communication is the response you get. This means that if you don’t like…

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Foot in Mouth Syndrome: the Keys to Effective Communication

foot in mouth

If you’ve ever been told to shut up, or that your opinion doesn’t matter, or if you’ve been reprimanded and made to feel that you don’t have a voice, then you might have Foot-in-Mouth Syndrome. Communication is the response you get, so if you’re not getting the responses you want in business, family and love,…

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The Essence of Relationships: Self, Others and Beyond


What patterns show up in your relationships? Do they leave you? Or do you leave before they can go? Do you feel like you’re always being punished? Or do you have trouble trusting, or equate relationships with pain? Your subconscious thoughts, or BubbleTalk, are created by the beliefs instilled in you at a very young…

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Essence of Intimacy

essence of intimacy romantic couple

What is your idea of intimacy? Is it sex? Is it telling others your deep, dark secrets? The Essence of Intimacy is knowing that your Strength Lies in Your Vulnerability, in all types of circumstances and in all types of relationships. At Essence of Being, we define intimacy as “In To Me See,” meaning that…

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Men are Dogs and the Woman is Always Right

men are dogs

Men are Dogs? Really? Stick with me here… If you’ve ever wondered why men and women have trouble communicating… Or if you’ve wondered why you have so much trouble getting what you want from a relationship… Of if you’ve ever wondered what causes you to fall out of love… Then it can help to gain…

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Love and Grief: How do we Deal with It?

love and grief at the grave

Why is it so difficult to lose someone you love? To death, divorce, break-up or other circumstance? Why does love and grief have to be so traumatic? It’s true: when you lose someone or something you love, the sadness and loneliness can be intense. You might feel like you will never be the same, or…

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Essence of Abundance and Prosperity


Listen to our podcast on ESSENCE OF ABUNDANCE & PROSPERITY!  Learn some techniques on how to shift your beliefs around money and wealth and create an abundant, prosperous life. Most of the time, the subconscious mind informs your decisions about who you are and what is enough. Find out what your beliefs are around your own…

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Listen to our podcast on THE MOST MAGICAL GIFT: YOU ARE INNOCENT! You may be thinking that you already have this topic covered, but trust me you won’t want to miss this Free Power Hour. The small amount of time you invest in this will save you a TON of time and frustration as well…

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Listen to our podcast on FAMILY HOLIDAYS: KILL THEM OR EAT THEM? PART 3. You may be thinking that you already have this topic covered, but trust me you won’t want to miss this Free Power Hour. The small amount of time you invest in this will save you a TON of time and frustration…

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Listen to our podcast on MASTERY IS THE MEASURE OF BEING IN THE FLOW! You may be thinking that you already have this topic covered, but trust me you won’t want to miss this Free Power Hour. The small amount of time you invest in this will save you a TON of time and frustration as…

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