The Power of Play

Unleash Your Inner Joy through Play and Rediscovery Are you ready to infuse your life with a radiant dose of playfulness and joy? Join as we dive headfirst into the transformative world of play and imagination. This episode takes you on an exhilarating journey to reclaim the power of play, nurture your inner child, and…
How to Deal with Fear and Anxiety

Fear can be a powerful force in our lives, often manifesting as a sense of uncertainty that can be difficult to overcome. Fear is rooted in our perception of control – if we can’t control a situation, we tend to feel afraid. When we are confronted with the unknown, we try to project our fears…
Transitions: Is Change Scary?

What is it about transitions that can illicit so much fear, that we stay in relationships or jobs that no longer serve our best and highest? Is change scary? Absolutely! Is it avoidable? No. In this episode, I will not only help you identify the feelings behind the fear, but also give you some powerful…
The Power of Words: How They Create Hate or Hope

More than ever, our world needs conscious leaders who are effective communicators. Leaders who speak their truth with empathy and compassion. In this month’s podcast, we will help you identify your subconscious beliefs around your own communication skills so that you are heard and can continue to be the beacon of light the world needs.…
3 Steps to Overcome Fear of Failure

Are your past mistakes holding you back from taking action? Does your fear of failure cause you self-doubt? If your answer is yes, you’re not alone. We’ve all been affected by the anxiety of reliving the mistakes we’ve made in the past. The aftermath of our fear of failure is oftentimes linked to negative self-talk,…
Using the Law of Attraction to Manifest Your Dream Life

The Law of Attraction has become a heated topic since it was written in 2006. There are different studies now that talk about its effectiveness and whether it really helps us manifest our dream life. There is no magic in the Law of Attraction. Simply put, it is a strong belief that works really well…
Life After Trauma: Navigating a New Normal

We’ve been hearing a lot about “the new normal,” and “these uncertain times.” This not good language when you’re navigating life after trauma, or when you’re experiencing anxiety about the future. Change can be painful. It asks us to look outside our comfort zones. You can face the fears you’re feeling right now, acknowledge them,…
The Essence of Relationships: Self, Others and Beyond

What patterns show up in your relationships? Do they leave you? Or do you leave before they can go? Do you feel like you’re always being punished? Or do you have trouble trusting, or equate relationships with pain? Your subconscious thoughts, or BubbleTalk, are created by the beliefs instilled in you at a very young…
Are you Calm in Chaos? A Quiz

Being calm in chaos: it’s something you may have witnessed from emergency responders, surgeons or traders on Wall Street. Maybe you admire their level-headedness. Maybe you’ve even thought Wow, I’d never be able to do that job. And when any one of us thinks that way, we underestimate our own daily need to stay calm…
Courageous Leadership: The Next Steps

It’s been a week since you first started developing your courageous leadership skills by showing yourself that You Are Worthy, and now you’re ready to continue, to be the leader the universe needs you to be. If you missed that initial installment, Courageous Leadership: The First Step, I strongly suggest you complete that before continuing.…