The Power of Play

Unleash Your Inner Joy through Play and Rediscovery Are you ready to infuse your life with a radiant dose of playfulness and joy? Join as we dive headfirst into the transformative world of play and imagination. This episode takes you on an exhilarating journey to reclaim the power of play, nurture your inner child, and…
Trusting Your Intuition

Trusting your intuition can be a powerful tool in both your personal and professional life. By learning to tune in to your inner voice and following your instincts, you can make better decisions, avoid potential pitfalls, and live a more fulfilling life. While it may take practice and effort to trust your intuition, the benefits…
Essence of Trust

Trust can be shaky. How many of us have been hurt, betrayed, or made bad decisions? Bad past experiences can affect our willingness to trust again. The Webster definition of trust is “the firm belief in the reliability, the truth, the ability or strength of someone or something.” There are three levels of trust that…
Transitions: How to Move Through Change with Ease

What do you do during a transition? How do you move through change with ease? When you go from one thing to another or if there are some unknowns, how do you deal with that change? Samuel Becket said, “Try again, fail again, and fail better.” Failure is a transition. If you avoid failure in…
2021: Setting Intentions for THIS or Something Better

2020 proved to be a challenging year, and as we move into 2021, some of us may have expectations that are pretty low. You might be thinking that it can be a mediocre kind of year and still surpass what we’ve just come out of. Or, you might have high anticipations for the next twelve…
Two Things Blocking you from Reaching Goals

How do you feel after reaching goals? When you set intentional visions for reaching your goals, you can see them as if they’ve already happened. You can imagine yourself at the end of your career, or when your children are grown…looking back on what you’ve accomplished. You can feel the satisfaction that comes with achieving…
Intentional Visions for 2020

What will you have accomplished by the end of 2020? With intentional visions, you can convince your brain that you’ve already experienced what you hope to, and then all the decisions leading up to that accomplishment are simpler. You will be more likely to see the signs presented by your spiritual guides. You will feel…
Men are Dogs and the Woman is Always Right

Men are Dogs? Really? Stick with me here… If you’ve ever wondered why men and women have trouble communicating… Or if you’ve wondered why you have so much trouble getting what you want from a relationship… Of if you’ve ever wondered what causes you to fall out of love… Then it can help to gain…
Get What You Want: A Formula

What if you could have anything you wanted? I’m not talking about wishing for a red BMW and running to your garage to see if it’s there. Instead, I’m talking about how to really get what you want out of life; complete with the things that would make you feel like you’re fulfilling your purpose…with…
Courageous Leadership: The Next Steps

It’s been a week since you first started developing your courageous leadership skills by showing yourself that You Are Worthy, and now you’re ready to continue, to be the leader the universe needs you to be. If you missed that initial installment, Courageous Leadership: The First Step, I strongly suggest you complete that before continuing.…