Shamanasta’s view on Coronavirus

Shamanasta shares how we can keep our vibrations high. How we can support each other, and stay present & connected during this time of physical social distancing.

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Authentic Relationships


The first step to having authentic relationships with others is having an authentic relationship with yourself. In relationships, R.E.A.L. means Realizing Energy is Accountable to Love. This podcast begins with 18 affirmations (little lies you tell yourself until they become true) for creating an authentic relationship with self. Next, I will talk about your relationship…

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Flush the Fear Meditation

flush the fear

If you are feeling afraid, you can flush the fear from your mind and body with this meditation. Or, if you are feeling unsafe, overwhelmed, confused or just plain disconnected, this meditation will support you in being more grounded and “in your body.” It will allow you to bring gratitude, safety and connection into your…

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Gratitude and Self Love


It can be easy to confuse gratitude and self-love. Gratitude is energy emitting from you — toward someone or something else. Love is part of your being, and must start inside you. Often, we look for love outside ourselves; we put the burden on others to prove that we’re lovable. That puts a lot of…

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Intentional Visions for 2020

intentional visions

What will you have accomplished by the end of 2020? With intentional visions, you can convince your brain that you’ve already experienced what you hope to, and then all the decisions leading up to that accomplishment are simpler. You will be more likely to see the signs presented by your spiritual guides. You will feel…

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We Are Family…How to Communicate During the Holidays


When the holidays roll around, many of us dread getting together with family and friends. Maybe you’ve become accustomed to it ending in conflict, guilt, shame or blame. It doesn’t have to be that way. When you learn how to communicate during the holidays, you can stand in your own power with innocence and authenticity.…

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Self Worth: Allowing Love and Support

self worth allowing love and support

Do you feel worthy of love and support? How open are you to allowing others to love and support you…even if it doesn’t come in the way you’d envisioned? Trust, Allow and Don’t Ask How means staying committed, but letting go of the outcome. It means knowing that results won’t come in the time or…

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Are You a Conscious Leader?

conscious leader

You can be a conscious leader of yourself, your family, a team, a group, a corporation…it makes no difference. And you can do it by looking to those leaders whom you respect, discerning which attributes you most admire, and working to hone those skills to create a win/win world. In this podcast, we’ll start with…

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If I Can’t I Must

I can't dive in

How many times do you say “I Can’t” in a day’s time? Many of us say it more often then we think. You might say it out loud, or to yourself, under your breath. You might even believe it on a subconscious level, without being aware of it. If you make a conscious effort to…

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What is my Purpose? Why am I Here?

When you ask yourself “What is my Purpose?” or, “Why am I Here?” you might be wondering why you were put on this earth, or what difference you were intended to make. You might wonder what the outcome of your existence will be, what legacy you’ll leave, or what ripple effect you will cause. It…

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