Authentic Relationships

The first step to having authentic relationships with others is having an authentic relationship with yourself. In relationships, R.E.A.L. means Realizing Energy is Accountable to Love. This podcast begins with 18 affirmations (little lies you tell yourself until they become true) for creating an authentic relationship with self. Next, I will talk about your relationship…
Flush the Fear Meditation

If you are feeling afraid, you can flush the fear from your mind and body with this meditation. Or, if you are feeling unsafe, overwhelmed, confused or just plain disconnected, this meditation will support you in being more grounded and “in your body.” It will allow you to bring gratitude, safety and connection into your…
Coronavirus: You Have a Choice

What does that mean? How can you have a choice when it comes to an infectious disease like Coronavirus? Of course, you can choose to wash your hands, avoid touching your face, sanitize every surface within a half-mile radius…but you recognize that you’re still not immune to the virus. When I talk about a choice,…
Gratitude and Self Love

It can be easy to confuse gratitude and self-love. Gratitude is energy emitting from you — toward someone or something else. Love is part of your being, and must start inside you. Often, we look for love outside ourselves; we put the burden on others to prove that we’re lovable. That puts a lot of…
Trouble Finding Love?

If you’re having trouble finding love—or trouble finding the type of love you want—you might start to wonder what’s wrong with you. You might begin to question whether or not you really deserve love. Or, you may resort to believing that you attract all the wrong kinds of people, and that it’s out of your…
Lessons from my Dog

As many of you know, I had to say goodbye to my beloved dog Merlin last month. For fourteen years, Merlin was my familiar, my confidant and continues to live deeply in my heart. As we wrap up our relationship module in the Conscious Leadership Academy, I realized that there are many lessons we can…
Essence of Intimacy

What is your idea of intimacy? Is it sex? Is it telling others your deep, dark secrets? The Essence of Intimacy is knowing that your Strength Lies in Your Vulnerability, in all types of circumstances and in all types of relationships. At Essence of Being, we define intimacy as “In To Me See,” meaning that…
Are You Relationship Material?

Are you relationship material? Are you a “catch?” And are you ready to find and to be “the one”? There is a fairly simple way to find out, and it begins with paying attention to why you say, “I love you” to someone you care for. What do you expect to get from sharing those…
The Wet Truth Process

When you pronounce the word Intimacy like “In To Me See,” you can begin to have a better understanding of what it really means. We often equate intimacy with sex, when in fact, they can exist separately from each other. Intimacy means opening our hearts to each other, so “into each other we can see,”…
Men are Dogs and the Woman is Always Right

Men are Dogs? Really? Stick with me here… If you’ve ever wondered why men and women have trouble communicating… Or if you’ve wondered why you have so much trouble getting what you want from a relationship… Of if you’ve ever wondered what causes you to fall out of love… Then it can help to gain…