How to Deal with Fear and Anxiety

Fear can be a powerful force in our lives, often manifesting as a sense of uncertainty that can be difficult to overcome. Fear is rooted in our perception of control – if we can’t control a situation, we tend to feel afraid. When we are confronted with the unknown, we try to project our fears…
Transitions: Is Change Scary?

What is it about transitions that can illicit so much fear, that we stay in relationships or jobs that no longer serve our best and highest? Is change scary? Absolutely! Is it avoidable? No. In this episode, I will not only help you identify the feelings behind the fear, but also give you some powerful…
Flushing Your Fear Meditation and Exercise

This short meditation with Burge will bring you a different feeling of connection and peace. Meditation can produce a deep state of relaxation and a tranquil mind. In this meditation, Burge will guide you through focusing your attention and eliminating the stream of thoughts that may be causing fear or anxiety in order to reach…
3 Steps to Overcome Fear of Failure

Are your past mistakes holding you back from taking action? Does your fear of failure cause you self-doubt? If your answer is yes, you’re not alone. We’ve all been affected by the anxiety of reliving the mistakes we’ve made in the past. The aftermath of our fear of failure is oftentimes linked to negative self-talk,…
Transitions: How to Move Through Change with Ease

What do you do during a transition? How do you move through change with ease? When you go from one thing to another or if there are some unknowns, how do you deal with that change? Samuel Becket said, “Try again, fail again, and fail better.” Failure is a transition. If you avoid failure in…
How to Pivot and Navigate Change with Ease

As you learn to navigate change with ease and grace in the age of Covid and beyond, there are some questions that can be helpful. Do you want to know when you’ll die? And how it will happen? If your answer is No, then you understand that “life is not a problem to be solved,…
Discovering Subconscious Beliefs Around Race and Prejudices

There are inherent fears that permeate our consciousness, about people who aren’t like us, around race and prejudices. Many of our subconscious thoughts about race stem from experiences we had as young people, as well as from the things we were taught by our families, teachers, religions, cultures and friends. If you have not explored…
Black Lives Matter vs All Lives Matter

I invite you to read this entire blog and keep an open mind. Notice any emotions, triggers and thoughts that may come up as you continue to read. My son, who lives in Manhattan, recently returned from a protest in San Francisco. I live in Atlanta, with a 9 pm curfew. I’ve been praying for…
Life After Trauma: Navigating a New Normal

We’ve been hearing a lot about “the new normal,” and “these uncertain times.” This not good language when you’re navigating life after trauma, or when you’re experiencing anxiety about the future. Change can be painful. It asks us to look outside our comfort zones. You can face the fears you’re feeling right now, acknowledge them,…
Love Versus Fear

When we look at Love Versus Fear, we see two separate thought systems. At any given moment, you are in a Love Thought System or a Fear Thought System…and you can choose to shift from one to the other at any given moment. You have two types of fear to choose from, but THREE types…