The Science of Being Great!

Harness the power of thought and gratitude to elevate your life. By focusing on what you have and envisioning your goals with clarity, you invite abundance and positivity. Replace limiting words like “hope,” “can’t,” and “need” with empowering affirmations. Visualize your aspirations in vivid detail, whether it’s a dream vacation or achieving greatness in your…
Self-Forgiveness, You Are Innocent

The Webster definition of forgiveness is “to go as before”. What does that mean? Each time we go through a difficult situation in life, we may experience guilt, or shame, or regret. These feelings can layer on top of one another. Self forgiveness aims to identify and clear some of those layers, to allow you…
3 Steps to Overcome Fear of Failure

Are your past mistakes holding you back from taking action? Does your fear of failure cause you self-doubt? If your answer is yes, you’re not alone. We’ve all been affected by the anxiety of reliving the mistakes we’ve made in the past. The aftermath of our fear of failure is oftentimes linked to negative self-talk,…
Self Love… An Intimate Ritual

We often block ourselves from self-love. Maybe you feel guilt or beat yourself up. Maybe you call yourself names, or say you shoulda, woulda, coulda. Many of us have been conditioned to do all of the above. And when we do these things we attract punishment into our lives. We don’t allow self appreciation or…
Gratitude and Self Love

It can be easy to confuse gratitude and self-love. Gratitude is energy emitting from you — toward someone or something else. Love is part of your being, and must start inside you. Often, we look for love outside ourselves; we put the burden on others to prove that we’re lovable. That puts a lot of…
Self Worth: Allowing Love and Support

Do you feel worthy of love and support? How open are you to allowing others to love and support you…even if it doesn’t come in the way you’d envisioned? Trust, Allow and Don’t Ask How means staying committed, but letting go of the outcome. It means knowing that results won’t come in the time or…
Are You Relationship Material?

Are you relationship material? Are you a “catch?” And are you ready to find and to be “the one”? There is a fairly simple way to find out, and it begins with paying attention to why you say, “I love you” to someone you care for. What do you expect to get from sharing those…
Courageous Leadership: The First Step

“Until recently, I was not a courageous leader.” Say it. Go Ahead. You’re going to say it again when you’re finished with this short series of courageous leadership articles. And when you do, you’re going to believe it wholeheartedly, in the present…without consideration for what’s gone down in the past or what you’re fearful of…
Listen to our podcast on TIME IS UP: STAND IN YOUR POWER! You may be thinking that you already have this topic covered, but trust me you won’t want to miss this Free Power Hour. The small amount of time you invest in this will save you a TON of time and frustration as well…
Gratitude and Self Love

You can create gratitude and radiate self love by starting with one little step. You can appreciate just one thing about yourself. And from there, love will permeate every part of your body, mind, heart and spirit. When you were little, you may have been led to believe things about yourself by your parents, family…