Peace For the Holidays: How to Communicate with Family

Peace for the Holidays Burge Smith Lyons Essence of Being Podcast

When we come together with our families of origin for the holidays, we can find ourselves triggered. Old wounds can open up, and we may find ourselves reacting instead of responding. Even if it’s never happened before, you can have peace for the holidays. You can be present, communicate with family and have a happy…

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The Law of Appreciation: A Thanksgiving Exercise


A lot of people are saying that 2020 has been strange, out of the ordinary, challenging…and that’s true. But does that mean it has to affect your outlook in a negative way? Does it mean you have to throw in the towel and hole up until 2021 arrives? No way! It simply means that the…

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The Election: Create Harmony and Have a Voice

the election

The upcoming election will not be the first or the last time that angst is felt in our families, our communities, our country and our world. Many of us are struggling with how to have a voice and express our truths, while still creating good will and harmony. In times such as these, it can…

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Political Synergy: Wisdom for Now and Later


Many of us have never seen the country, or the world, so divided. As we move closer to the U.S. presidential election, you may be wondering if you’ll be able to accept the outcome. You may also be questioning how others will cope if your candidate wins. Or, more realistically, perhaps you’re wondering—no matter who…

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Can We All Just Get Along?

get along

Many of us are looking on in awe, as the world around us turns into something unrecognizable. Maybe the people you love are showing sides of themselves you’ve never seen. Maybe you’re finding yourself arguing over politics, race, religion, ethics…or maybe you’re feeling attacked. Perhaps this turmoil is causing you anxiety, costing you friends, or…

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Authentic Relationships


The first step to having authentic relationships with others is having an authentic relationship with yourself. In relationships, R.E.A.L. means Realizing Energy is Accountable to Love. This podcast begins with 18 affirmations (little lies you tell yourself until they become true) for creating an authentic relationship with self. Next, I will talk about your relationship…

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Intentional Visions for 2020

intentional visions

What will you have accomplished by the end of 2020? With intentional visions, you can convince your brain that you’ve already experienced what you hope to, and then all the decisions leading up to that accomplishment are simpler. You will be more likely to see the signs presented by your spiritual guides. You will feel…

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We Are Family…How to Communicate During the Holidays


When the holidays roll around, many of us dread getting together with family and friends. Maybe you’ve become accustomed to it ending in conflict, guilt, shame or blame. It doesn’t have to be that way. When you learn how to communicate during the holidays, you can stand in your own power with innocence and authenticity.…

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The Law of Appreciation, for Happier Holidays

law of appreciation

When you think of the holidays and appreciation, what comes to mind? Do you think of being grateful for the gifts you receive? Or do you wait for others to show appreciation for what you’ve given them, or done for them? Or, do you feel appreciation when someone comes to visit, or does something thoughtful…

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Trouble Finding Love?

finding love

If you’re having trouble finding love—or trouble finding the type of love you want—you might start to wonder what’s wrong with you. You might begin to question whether or not you really deserve love. Or, you may resort to believing that you attract all the wrong kinds of people, and that it’s out of your…

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