Prosperity Through Emotional Healing: How to Have Love and Money at the Same Time

Is it possible to have love and money at the same time? Can we have both and can we keep them both? Buckminster Fuller says you can never change things by fighting the existing reality. In order to create change you need to build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete. In this…
Giving Your Way to Prosperity

What’s the secret to being prosperous and abundant in every area of your life? To work harder? No. The secret is to GIVE your way to prosperity! In this powerful podcast Burge shares how she went from being bankrupt and living in her car as a single mom with a 2-year-old, to having millions…
For More Abundance, Give as you Go and Create a Flow

What do you have abundance of? Is it love, joy, debt or clutter? How about family, fresh air, pleasure or guilt? No matter what your present circumstance, you can always name something in which you are abundant. And, you can always create more abundance. Your Subconscious Abundance Blocks Many of us have blocks around money…
Self Worth: Allowing Love and Support

Do you feel worthy of love and support? How open are you to allowing others to love and support you…even if it doesn’t come in the way you’d envisioned? Trust, Allow and Don’t Ask How means staying committed, but letting go of the outcome. It means knowing that results won’t come in the time or…
Financial Abundance Barriers: A Quiz

At this exact moment, you might be asking yourself, Where has all my money gone? Why can’t I get ahead? Why do I always seem to be struggling financially? When will I finally experience financial abundance?
Bubbletalk for Money – #4 – “The Emotional Aspects of Debt and the Three Steps to Creating Wealth”
Debt and Emotions How many of you are in debt? How does it feel when I ask you this question? How does it make you feel when you are in debt? Check in and see what emotions come up for you. I would think there is a lot of guilt surrounding your debt. When we…
Giving and Receiving

Giving and Receiving are the same energy. If you refuse either one, in any direction, the flow will be blocked. Most people know how to give; however, few people know how to receive. They don’t view it as humble — or they see it as having strings attached. Others feel they must be deserving of…
Give As You Go

A strategy to create wealth has many parts, and one of the most powerful is, “Give as you go and create a flow.” If you fear that you may not have enough to give, or if you’re attached to what the recipients will do with the money, then you must free up the flow by…
Self Worth

What is your self-worth? When you ask yourself this question, does your mind turn to thoughts of your bank account balance or your credit score? Does it turn to how many friends or children you have? Maybe you think of your job…and how great (or not great) it is. All of these types of things…
Prosperity Through Emotional Healing

Emotional healing isn’t often tied to money and prosperity, but in truth, many of us can benefit financially from the healing of our emotions. Often times our money and prosperity beliefs are tied to our emotions . Many people avoid pain by spending money. Other people may find themselves in debt and feeling guilty. When…