The Essence of Leadership

essence of leadership

Here is the Essence of Leadership: A leader takes people where they want to go; a great leader takes people where they don’t want to be, but where they ought to be. What does that statement mean to you? If you think back on the leaders in your life (professional, personal and otherwise) who have…

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Can We All Just Get Along?

get along

Many of us are looking on in awe, as the world around us turns into something unrecognizable. Maybe the people you love are showing sides of themselves you’ve never seen. Maybe you’re finding yourself arguing over politics, race, religion, ethics…or maybe you’re feeling attacked. Perhaps this turmoil is causing you anxiety, costing you friends, or…

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Authentic Relationships


The first step to having authentic relationships with others is having an authentic relationship with yourself. In relationships, R.E.A.L. means Realizing Energy is Accountable to Love. This podcast begins with 18 affirmations (little lies you tell yourself until they become true) for creating an authentic relationship with self. Next, I will talk about your relationship…

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We Are Family…How to Communicate During the Holidays


When the holidays roll around, many of us dread getting together with family and friends. Maybe you’ve become accustomed to it ending in conflict, guilt, shame or blame. It doesn’t have to be that way. When you learn how to communicate during the holidays, you can stand in your own power with innocence and authenticity.…

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The Law of Appreciation, for Happier Holidays

law of appreciation

When you think of the holidays and appreciation, what comes to mind? Do you think of being grateful for the gifts you receive? Or do you wait for others to show appreciation for what you’ve given them, or done for them? Or, do you feel appreciation when someone comes to visit, or does something thoughtful…

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Essential Leadership Traits, Part One


Last time we met in this space, we talked about finding your own leadership style by paying attention to the leadership traits you admire in others. And as promised, I’m back with my top essential leadership traits.   Leadership looks a bit different for every conscious leader; however, in my experience, these are the essential…

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You Have a Voice: Telling Your Truth

women have a voice

More than ever, it’s critical that conscious leaders around the globe have a voice. And it’s critical that they use that voice as part of an effective communication strategy if they want to make a difference and create a win/win world. Your communication is the response you get. This means that if you don’t like…

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Foot in Mouth Syndrome: the Keys to Effective Communication

foot in mouth

If you’ve ever been told to shut up, or that your opinion doesn’t matter, or if you’ve been reprimanded and made to feel that you don’t have a voice, then you might have Foot-in-Mouth Syndrome. Communication is the response you get, so if you’re not getting the responses you want in business, family and love,…

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Improve Communication in 3 Steps

improve communication

When you learn to improve communication, you will feel heard, you will gain respect, and all of your relationships will be more fulfilling. In my last article, Better Communication in Seconds, we explored the power of being present. If you missed that one, click on the link and spend five minutes learning to improve your…

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Better Communication in Seconds

better communication

Better Communication is huge! Poor communication is not only one of the top reasons relationships end, addressing it can help to heal all the other reasons. When you think of poor communication, you might think about the silent treatment or secret-keeping. In reality, it can be much more subtle and hard to recognize—particularly when you…

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