Two Things Blocking you from Reaching Goals

reaching goals

How do you feel after reaching goals? When you set intentional visions for reaching your goals, you can see them as if they’ve already happened. You can imagine yourself at the end of your career, or when your children are grown…looking back on what you’ve accomplished. You can feel the satisfaction that comes with achieving…

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Intentional Visions for 2020

intentional visions

What will you have accomplished by the end of 2020? With intentional visions, you can convince your brain that you’ve already experienced what you hope to, and then all the decisions leading up to that accomplishment are simpler. You will be more likely to see the signs presented by your spiritual guides. You will feel…

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Intentional Visioning for 2020


Have you made a new year’s resolution? If it goes something like, “I’m going to stop smoking,” or, “I’m going to cut out carbs,” you may have difficulty keeping it. That’s because when you think about what you’re NOT going to do, your brain and The Universe are only hearing “smoking” and “carbs.” And so,…

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What’s Your Leadership Style?

leadership style

What is your leadership style? Or what will it be? Great leaders are all around us. They’re in our schools, our churches, our businesses, our community organizations…our neighborhoods and our families. You might respect some of these leaders and look to them for guidance, but how often do you really think about what attracts you…

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Create a New Year Vision, not a Resolution


How many times have you made a New Year Resolution? And how many times have you kept it? How about a New Year Vision? That might be an entirely different story. New Year Resolutions may not always work, and it’s not because you’re a weak person, or someone who is unwilling to change. They don’t…

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Get What You Want: A Formula


What if you could have anything you wanted? I’m not talking about wishing for a red BMW and running to your garage to see if it’s there. Instead, I’m talking about how to really get what you want out of life; complete with the things that would make you feel like you’re fulfilling your purpose…with…

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Intentional Visioning for 2018!

Many people at the beginning of the year propose and declare resolutions or intentions for the upcoming year. There are many ways to vision your dreams. But before I go into depth about the ways to create one, you may want to ask yourself, “What’s in my bubble?” “Why should I have a vision?” The…

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Bubbletalk for Money – #4 – “The Emotional Aspects of Debt and the Three Steps to Creating Wealth”

Debt and Emotions How many of you are in debt?  How does it feel when I ask you this question? How does it make you feel when you are in debt? Check in and see what emotions come up for you. I would think there is a lot of guilt surrounding your debt. When we…

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Bubbletalk for Money – Part 3 – The Law of Attraction

In the last article, I mentioned that as sentient beings, we all carry a vibration which has been proven with quantum physics and relates to The Law of Attraction. Playing with the Law We have heard about and been playing with this particular Universal Law for a long time.  It’s now in the mainstream media…

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Listen to our podcast on MASTERY: ARE YOU THE MASTER OF YOUR LIFE? You may be thinking that you already have this topic covered, but trust me you won’t want to miss this Free Power Hour. The small amount of time you invest in this will save you a TON of time and frustration as…

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