Have an Attitude of Gratitude

Last week we began talking about the power of appreciation and its ability to energetically transform our lives and bring to us all that we desire. This week, I want to give you a powerful exercise that I promise will transform your relationship with yourself and transform the way you see the world and how…

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Appreciate, Appreciate, Appreciate

Happy Monday! For the next three weeks we will be talking about the Law of Appreciation and the power it has to transform our lives and manifest our desires. So what is appreciation? I like to think of it as your vibrational tuning fork. You’re tuning in to what it is that you want to…

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Giving = Receiving

Ask yourself this question? Is it easier for me to give or receive? For many of us, it is much easier to give. We may have grown up being told that it is better to give than to receive. We have been told that being generous is noble and receiving and accepting praise is prideful.…

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Expect Nothing & Gain Everything

As human beings we have expectations. We expect when we arrive at work that we still have a job. We expect that our partner will come home at the end of the day. We expect the sun to come up. These are dramatic examples, but I would venture to say that for most of us,…

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You’ve Got the Power!

The last two weeks we’ve talked about fear and the mantra “If I Can’t, I Must!”. I wanted to wrap up with a couple more tips on really understanding the power of this practice. It all comes down to this. You’ve got the power! You have the power to get exactly what you want in…

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Fear, Intuition & Intention, Oh My!!

Last week we starting talking about “If I can’t, I must”. This week we are going to delve deeper into fear and how we can overcome it to move forward in our lives towards our dreams. You may have heard before that fear stands for “False Evidence Appearing Real”. But how can you discern false…

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If I Can’t, I Must!!

For the next two weeks we will be discussing “If I can’t, I must”. In a nutshell, if you think you cannot do something, you must do it. This may sound drastic, but it is life changing. The task is simple. Every time you say “I can’t”, train yourself to say, “I must”. The first…

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How Does Living in Non-Attachment Look in our Everyday Lives?

For the last two or so weeks we have been talking about non-attachment and the freedom that comes with letting go of expectations of people and relationships. We have seen that letting people be exactly who they are in each moment, free from judgment or expectation allows unconditional love to flow; both for ourselves and…

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Freedom of Non-Attachment Part 2

Last week we began talking about non-attachment and the life changing power it can have in our relationships with others and most importantly, ourselves. You might be thinking, ‘But how can I love deeply, fully and passionately without being attached to that person?’ Not only is it possible, but ultimately the only way to truly…

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Happy Monday! Today is the first in a series on non-attachment. The practice of non-attachment can be a perspective shifting, life-altering way to view the world and our relationships. Over the next few posts we will be addressing: What is non-attachment? In practicing non-attachment, can we still be “in our lives”, experiencing all that life…

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