Essence of Intimacy

essence of intimacy romantic couple

What is your idea of intimacy? Is it sex? Is it telling others your deep, dark secrets? The Essence of Intimacy is knowing that your Strength Lies in Your Vulnerability, in all types of circumstances and in all types of relationships. At Essence of Being, we define intimacy as “In To Me See,” meaning that…

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Are You Relationship Material?

relationship material couple kissing in street with heart balloons

Are you relationship material? Are you a “catch?” And are you ready to find and to be “the one”? There is a fairly simple way to find out, and it begins with paying attention to why you say, “I love you” to someone you care for. What do you expect to get from sharing those…

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The Wet Truth Process

the wet truth process and water

When you pronounce the word Intimacy like “In To Me See,” you can begin to have a better understanding of what it really means. We often equate intimacy with sex, when in fact, they can exist separately from each other. Intimacy means opening our hearts to each other, so “into each other we can see,”…

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