Bubbletalk for Money – #4 – “The Emotional Aspects of Debt and the Three Steps to Creating Wealth”
Debt and Emotions How many of you are in debt? How does it feel when I ask you this question? How does it make you feel when you are in debt? Check in and see what emotions come up for you. I would think there is a lot of guilt surrounding your debt. When we…
Listen to our podcast on INTEGRITY IS THE ESSENCE OF SUCCESS! You may be thinking that you already have this topic covered, but trust me you won’t want to miss this Free Power Hour. The small amount of time you invest in this will save you a TON of time and frustration as well as…
Listen to our podcast on MASTERY: ARE YOU THE MASTER OF YOUR LIFE? You may be thinking that you already have this topic covered, but trust me you won’t want to miss this Free Power Hour. The small amount of time you invest in this will save you a TON of time and frustration as…
Self Worth

What is your self-worth? When you ask yourself this question, does your mind turn to thoughts of your bank account balance or your credit score? Does it turn to how many friends or children you have? Maybe you think of your job…and how great (or not great) it is. All of these types of things…
Am I That Powerful
You may be thinking that you already have this topic covered, but trust me you won’t want to miss this Free Power Hour. The small amount of time you invest in this will save you a TON of time and frustration as well as give you exclusive insight into how the principles I teach can…
You’ll Believe it When You See It
For the last two weeks we have been talking about the power of appreciation and gratitude. We each have the power to use our internal tuning fork to harness the energy of the Universe. What would your life look like if you could have anything you wanted? You can! The saying, “seeing is believing” or…