Turbulent Times: How to Get Out of the Blame Game

In a world of increasing divisiveness and blame, understanding the root causes and taking personal responsibility are vital lessons. The blame game often stems from a victim mindset, where we give away our power and find fault in others. To break free, we must embrace personal responsibility for our thoughts, beliefs, and actions, fostering empathy…
Self-Forgiveness, You Are Innocent

The Webster definition of forgiveness is “to go as before”. What does that mean? Each time we go through a difficult situation in life, we may experience guilt, or shame, or regret. These feelings can layer on top of one another. Self forgiveness aims to identify and clear some of those layers, to allow you…
Lessons from my Dog

As many of you know, I had to say goodbye to my beloved dog Merlin last month. For fourteen years, Merlin was my familiar, my confidant and continues to live deeply in my heart. As we wrap up our relationship module in the Conscious Leadership Academy, I realized that there are many lessons we can…
You Have a Choice!
“But I did not have a choice!” Have you ever said or thought that? Have you felt like you cannot change things and you had no choice? Or have you made a choice and regretted it and beat your self up? Felt guilty for your choices? If someone wrongs you, you could blame them for…
Self Forgiveness
Listen to our podcast on SELF FORGIVENESS! You may be thinking that you already have this topic covered, but trust me you won’t want to miss this Free Power Hour. The small amount of time you invest in this will save you a TON of time and frustration as well as give you exclusive insight…
Prosperity Through Emotional Healing

Emotional healing isn’t often tied to money and prosperity, but in truth, many of us can benefit financially from the healing of our emotions. Often times our money and prosperity beliefs are tied to our emotions . Many people avoid pain by spending money. Other people may find themselves in debt and feeling guilty. When…
Making Mistakes Without Invalidating Oneself
You may be thinking that you already have this topic covered, but trust me you won’t want to miss this Free Power Hour. The small amount of time you invest in this will save you a TON of time and frustration as well as give you exclusive insight into how the principles I teach can…