This is the Essence of Success
We all want success. Success at home, at work, in our businesses, in our finances, in our relationships or our spiritual lives. But what is the Essence of Success? What is the one element that’s necessary for us to achieve our goals and to feel that we’re making a difference? The answer is fairly simple.…
If I Can’t I Must
How many times do you say “I Can’t” in a day’s time? Many of us say it more often then we think. You might say it out loud, or to yourself, under your breath. You might even believe it on a subconscious level, without being aware of it. If you make a conscious effort to…
Essential Leadership Traits, Part Two
As promised, I’m back with the rest of my essential leadership traits. Last time, we talked about Courage, Empathy, Effective Communication, Emotional Intelligence, Personal Responsibility and Synergy. Now it’s time for the remaining seven leadership traits I have found to be critical to leadership success—at work, at home, in your community…anywhere you’re leading one or…