Appreciate, Appreciate, Appreciate

Happy Monday! For the next three weeks we will be talking about the Law of Appreciation and the power it has to transform our lives and manifest our desires. So what is appreciation? I like to think of it as your vibrational tuning fork. You’re tuning in to what it is that you want to…

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Giving = Receiving

Ask yourself this question? Is it easier for me to give or receive? For many of us, it is much easier to give. We may have grown up being told that it is better to give than to receive. We have been told that being generous is noble and receiving and accepting praise is prideful.…

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Expect Nothing & Gain Everything

As human beings we have expectations. We expect when we arrive at work that we still have a job. We expect that our partner will come home at the end of the day. We expect the sun to come up. These are dramatic examples, but I would venture to say that for most of us,…

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You’ve Got the Power!

The last two weeks we’ve talked about fear and the mantra “If I Can’t, I Must!”. I wanted to wrap up with a couple more tips on really understanding the power of this practice. It all comes down to this. You’ve got the power! You have the power to get exactly what you want in…

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