This is a rather in-depth listing of reading material that have influenced the content of the workshops. We would like to direct you to the new subcategory buttons that now appear to the left in the navigation bar for a breakdown of the various topics of interest. So feel free to shop and please let us know what you think with a little feedback and suggestions for evolving this section of the website. All of these pages are set up with links to for direct ordering on these titles so by all means… shop till you drop:


You can purchase any of these books directly from by clicking on each book’s title!

Burge Smith-Lyons

The compelling page turner is filled with wisdom that may trigger a shift in you and create the momentum needed to shift your beliefs and get what you want. It all begins and ends with the conversation you have with yourself that will make the difference.

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Stewart Emery


Robert Fulghum

A modern classic, and a phenomenal bestseller, this simple collection of thoughts and gentle opinion has struck a deep chord in readers all over the world. Observing our times in his unique way, Robert Fulghum has tapped into the community that we all share and tells us something about ourselves and how to be the best we are capable of. He reminds us to share, clean up our own mess, take a nap every afternoon, and be aware of wonder.

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Right this very instant, take a look at yourself in the nearest mirror. You can level with yourself. What do you see? The image looking at you is all that strangers have to go on when they first meet you, so put yourself in their place. Are you giving off a winning look? Or are you a never-made-it dressed to go nowhere? What you project is what you seem(to others) to want out of life. Present yourself as a loser, and you'll be given a lot of chances to lose. Present yourself as a winner, however, and golden opportunities will come knocking at your door. This is not a checklist fashion book, an A-B-C-D, step-by-step mandatory "How-to". But you will definitely learn how to "market and position" the powerful and captivating YOU.

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Robert Pante


Mihaly Csikazentmihalyi

How a musician loses herself in her music, how a painter becomes one with the process of painting — in work, sport, conversation or hobby — the suspension of time, the freedom of complete absorption in activity. This is “flow,” an experience that is at once demanding and rewarding–an experience that Mihaly is one of the most enjoyable and valuable experiences a person can have. Exhaustive case studies, controlled experiments and innumerable references to historical figures, philosophers and scientists through the ages prove Csikszentmihalyi’s point that flow is a singularly productive and desirable state. But the implications for its application to society are what make the book revolutionary.


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This text is concerned with the psychology of communication. It uses techniques derived primarily from NLP to create state-of-the-art skills which the reader can use to improve any interaction. Chapters cover outcomes, rapport, sensory acuity, meetings and negotiation.

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Genie Z. Laborde


Venice Bloodworth

The beauty of KEY TO YOURSELF is seen through Venice Bloodworth's insightful approach in how she combines contemporary psychology with the very same principles taught thousands of years ago by Jesus of Nazareth. In searching for her own spiritual enlightenment, she found the root of true happiness based on a "Spiritual Psychology" that unlocked the power of the mind to THINK herself to wellness, prosperity, and peace of mind. Although the world has changed drastically over time, people are still confronted with the same fears and inner conflicts and KEY TO YOURSELF meets these challenges with an ageless wisdom that endures for generations

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In the classic best seller now considered to be one of the most important contributions to psychiatry since the writing of Freud,  Dr. Frankl gives a moving account of his life amid the horrors of the Nazi death camps, chronicling the harrowing experience that led to his discovery of his theory of logotherapy.

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Viktor E. Frankel


Vernon Howard

It presents the great spiritual and psychological truths in a simple manner, making them practical for daily use. You will read inspiring historical stories of those who dared all for Truth — and found wisdom and peace at last

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A new, easy-to-grasp map of human consciousness against which the various therapies from both Western and Eastern sources are introduced. Designed to help individuals understand the practice of each therapy.

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Ken Wilber


Sheila Ostrander & Lynn Schroeder

Theatrical Politics, Ready-To-Wear Religion, Global Myths, Primitive Chic, and Other Wonders of the Postmodern World – a provocative and entertaining tour through the contemporary landscape, from deconstruction and punk rock to Ronald Reagan and New Age religion

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A Personal Exploration into the Secret Healing Power of an American Indian Medicine Man

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Doug Boyd


Joseph Chilton Pearce

The Crack in the Cosmic Egg

Challenging Constructs of Mind and Reality

This enormously popular New Age classic, beautifully written and intellectually challenging, has inspired and guided millions of readers to develop new, creative, inventive modes of thinking.

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You can create the physical being you desire to become by focusing on the incredible power of the mind in transforming attitudes about eating and the myriad experiences encountered around the subject

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Sondra Ray


Terry Cole-Whittaker

Cole-Whittaker’s innovative methods for human resource development, self-motivation and personal growth are available here in this book. Readers can learn to cope with physical, mental and spiritual problems involving love, money, guilt, self-image, sexuality, relationships and more.

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You Can Have It All

A Simple Guide to a Joyful and Abundant Life

Stating that support and happiness are natural occurrences, the author presents the Universal Principals–the laws that govern all relationships.  Patent offers formulas for living a professional and personal life packed with satisfaction.  Enjoy an excellent guide to living a joyful life, with details on problem solving paired with basic exercises on how to acquire safety, trust, and creativity, designed to help alleviate adversarial situations.


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Arnold Patent