The Healing Forest Foundation is a 501(c)3 tax-exempt corporation.
Healing Forest Foundation, Inc.
The HFF is a thriving, empowered, cooperative community focused on family & individual healing (transformation) with physical, emotional, mental & spiritual wellness.
It provides experiences and tools for the empowerment of individuals and communities by demonstrating loving connections, resonating abundance, choosing joy and promoting peace.
By these methods, new paradigms of consciousness will emerge, become integrated and be widely disseminated; thus, contributing to planetary transformation.

The purpose of The HFF is to provide interactive, experiential educational instruction and training of individuals to improve and develop their capabilities.
Through seminars, workshops, personal coaching and Kid Power Camps, the HFF will provide reasonably priced personal development and growth activities by which our students can positively impact their own lives and the lives of those with whom they come in contact.
These experiential courses incorporate Super Learning techniques and are offered in one day, two day, three day, week-long and customized formats.
Participants are given multiple opportunities to examine and reflect upon unconscious behavior patterns, attitudes and habits through guided self-reflection activities. Participants will complete self-discovery forms prior to participation to enable the facilitators to gauge the experience level of the class.